Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Possible new home for the club

We had our first site meeting with representatives from the Forestry Commission on the 17th. They appeared to be happy with the area of woodland we had proposed to them for our use for Field Archery. The ball has started rolling and hopefully its not too long before we can start to use the site.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Castle bowmen open shoot 16th january 2011

Three of the club members went to castle bowmen's open shoot to clear the winter cobwebs from their bows.
Unusual shoot rules were imposed as only 2 arrows were allowed to be shot per target.
The course had some challenging and very interesting shots, some of which were extremely difficult to see if you were of a shorter stature.
Congratulations to both Karen & Cath who both came 2nd in class and I just missed out on the awards with a 4th place. The worst I've shot in this class.
Looking forward to the next open.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Evening all,

Please note that the AGM meeting will take place on the Saturday 5th March 2011 at the Scout Hall on March Street Conisbrough.

A copy of the Agenda has been sent to all members and is available on request for non-club members.

If you have any questions or additions please email ccarchers@googlemail.com

Best Wishes

Conisbrough Castle Archers